Evgeniya Berlova
Curator of Partnership Programs, Development Department of the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Key areas of focus: fundraising, corporate loyalty program, Tretyakov Gallery endowment, Philanthropy Club, "Trips with Tretyakov Gallery". Prior to joining the team of the State Tretyakov Gallery in 2015, worked for the Moscow Department of Culture – the Public Events Directorate, and EventumPremo agency.

Speaker at the programs of RMA Business School and British Higher School of Art and Design, on the subject of partnership between business and culture. Completed the Art Management and Gallery Business course at RMA Business School in 2017.
Svetlana Borisova
Deloitte Private Leader, Deloitte, Moscow
Svetlana has extensive experience working on complex projects for private companies and family offices. Svetlana has been working in accounting and taxation for over 20 years, for 14 of which she has been employed at Deloitte carrying out projects that offer business solutions, including those related to accounting and ensuring compliance with tax regulations, as well as projects on methodological support, financial reporting, taxation and reporting of controlled foreign corporations.

Svetlana has a degree in Economics and is a member of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia.
Maksim Buev
Vice Rector for Strategic Development at the New Economic School (NES), Board Member of the NES Endowment Fund, Moscow
Author of regular column for Vedomosti newspaper covering finance and economics, co-author of a two-volume book, In the Mirror of Super Models: Models in Financial Economics, With Examples, Real-Life Stories and Digressions (Nauka: 2020).

Former Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the European University at Saint Petersburg (EUSP), where he also occupied named professor positions in applied finance, supported by Barclays Capital bank and JTI; former Board Member of the EUSP Endowment Fund. Prior to joining EUSP in 2012, Maksim had occupied different positions in investment banks such as N. M. Rothschild & Sons, ABN AMRO, and Royal Bank of Scotland in London, Great Britain. Maksim graduated from the faculty of Applied Mathematics and Management Processes of Saint Petersburg State University (1997), and the faculty of Economics at EUSP (1999). Maksim defended his Master's thesis in 2001, and doctoral dissertation – in 2005 (Economics, the University of Oxford, Great Britain).

In 2013–2017, he was a regular invited lecturer at the Young Investment Banker Program for schoolchildren, organized by University College London and InvestIN Education PLC.
Darya Buyanova
Fundraising Director at the DobryGorodPeterburg Philanthropic Foundation
Director of the Social Innovation Interregional Endowment Fund, Saint Petersburg
In 2011, Darya graduated from Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" with a degree in Applied Linguistics; in 2015 – obtained a Master's degree in International Relations from Saint Petersburg State University; Darya also graduated from the University of Tampere (Finland) with a degree in Cross-Border Cooperation. Completed the "Strategy for Creating and Developing Endowment Funds" program of the Viadimir Potanin Foundation, at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Prior to 2019, Darya was the Director of the Dobry Gorod Peterburg Philanthropic Foundation. During her five years on the post, Darya's team managed to raise over 200 million rubles on federal and municipal charity programs. In 2019, Darya resigned from the Director's position and became the Fundraising Director at Dobry Gorod Peterburg. Darya is also the Director of the Social Innovation Endowment Fund, Russia's first specialized endowment fund supporting happy ageing.
Daniil Dobrynchenko
Project Development Director for corporate programs of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, HR competitions expert of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Moscow
Over 10 years of experience in planning and conducting training programs for corporations, entrepreneurs and universities. Former co-owner of a successful consulting company. Co-author of various strategic corporate projects and regional development programs. From 2019 until 2021, Daniil is appointed as Project Development Director for those studying at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, at the Endowment Growth Strategy advanced training course.
Svetlana Dobrosolets
Director of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve Endowment Fund, St. Petersburg
Svetlana Dobrosolets has been the Director of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve Society of Friends Fund since 2010 and the Director of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve Endowment Fund since 2011. In 2012–2014, she successfully graduated from the New Economic School (NES) with a degree in Effective Fundraising for Endowment Funds. In 2012, her project for the implementation of a private lottery aimed at restoring and preserving the monuments of the Peterhof ensemble won the Endowment Growth Strategy competition of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. Author of the article Endowment in Cultural Institutions: How to Create and Develop Endowment Funds, published in the manager's handbook Management of a Cultural Institution (No. 6, June 6, 2015). Participant and speaker of Russian and international conferences, including Endowment Growth Strategy of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation (2015) and a conference of the Royal Residences Association in Versailles (2017).
Olga Dranichkina
Executive Director of the Tretyakov Gallery Foundation, Moscow
Olga has been working at the Tretyakov Gallery since 2015 and is concurrently the Head of the Development Department of the Gallery. In 2003, Olga graduated from the State University of Management with a degree in Management. In 2011, she graduated from Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts with a degree in Art history (with honors). In 2015, Olga obtained a Ph.D. in Art history from Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts. Since 2019, Olga has been a professor at Higher School of Economics, on the Resources and Partners course. Currently studies the Endowment Growth Strategy advanced training course at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.
Snezhana Frantsuzova
MarketingExecutiveattheCivilUnityCommunityFoundation, Penza
Managing partner of NotaBene Business Technology Center, pro bono marketing executive at the Civil Unity philanthropy foundation since 2004. Snezhana's professional interests are inextricably connected to business and non-profit sector, with her expertise in each of the two complementing each other and allowing her to find opportunities for future collaboration between them. In 2013, Snezhana Frantsuzova and Oleg Sharipkov co-wrote the book Endowment. The Beginning: How to Create Endowment Funds in the Region. Since then, endowment funds have become yet another professional area in which she actively collaborates with endowment knowledge hubs. Graduate of the University of Oxford with a degree in Social Finance, 2018.
Svetlana Gorbacheva
Development Director of PHILIN – an infrastructure platform for growing NPOs, Member of the Council of Fundraiser Association, Moscow
At PHILIN, Svetlana is in charge of strategic development, promoting new products and services, interacting with partners and the expert community. The platform's main goal is to make philanthropy in Russia more professional, large-scale and systematic. Svetlana previously worked as Marketing and Communications Director at Charities Aid Foundation (Moscow) where she managed the launch of #GivingTuesday initiative in Russia, the Socially Active Media program, the development of the fundraising platform Blago.ru and Philanthropy online magazine, and was in charge of the Foundation's marketing communications. Svetlana is one of the leading third sector experts in the fields of digital fundraising, marketing communications, creating communities, pro bono services, and strategic win-win solutions for corporate philanthropy.
Suzanne Hilser-Wiles
President of Grenzebach Glier and Associates (GG+A), USA
She has more than 25 years of experience in advancement, program building, and campaign planning and implementation. Her work has benefited a wide range of nonprofit organizations including Aalto University, the Barack Obama Foundation, Georgia State University, IESE Business School, INSEAD, Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, New York Philharmonic, Pennsylvania State University, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and Museum, Tate, and William Penn Charter School. Suzanne received her bachelor's degree in art history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and holds a master's degree in arts administration from the Golden Gate University in San Francisco. Suzanne is an ambassador for CASE Europe.
Luminita Holban
Head of Grants and Trusts, English Heritage, United Kingdom
With more than 15 years' experience in fundraising for heritage and environmental charities, Luminita provides strategic leadership in securing philanthropic support for the work of English Heritage, a national conservation and education charity in England. She is currently helping to create the organisation's first endowment, The Once and Future Fund, which is supported by a £1m grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. In the past Luminita has supported a range of other charities including The Old Royal Naval College, The Ancient Tree Forum and The Mihai Eminescu Trust. With a master's degree in international journalism from City University London, she is a member of the Institute of Fundraising and the Royal Anthropological Institute, and Chair of environmental charity Ecotransylvania.
Yulia Zhigulina
executive director of the Our Future Foundation, Moscow
Graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Economic Sciences. She has an MBA degree (Higher School of International Business under the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation) and extensive experience in financial institutions and banking. In the Our Future Foundation of Regional Social Programs, YuliaZhigulina is responsible for ensuring the efficiency of the company's activities in the implementation of commercial, social-commercial and philanthropic projects, interaction with regional partners and representative offices of the Froundation, as well as the promotion of infrastructure projects. The Our Future Foundation is the first organization that started developing social entrepreneurship in Russia.
Zarema Kasabieva
Vice Rector at New Economic School (NES), Moscow
Candidate of Economics, MBA. Renowned expert in modern models and management methods in higher education. Holds seminars and workshops on a regular basis, takes part in expert panels (universities participating in the 5-100 Project, Vladimir Potanin Foundation, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Moscow Aviation Institute, Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg State University, European University at Saint Petersburg, and others), international round tables and conferences on the matters of higher education development, national and international university rankings, strategic management of universities, quality and audit of academic processes, managing interactions with students and developing relationships with graduates, academic fundraising and endowment development.

Zarema has extensive experience with internships and advanced training at the universities of Europe, the USA and Australia (LSE, LBS, Harvard, U.Denver, Oxford, Tilburg, CEU, etc.).

Member of the European Association for International Education (EAIE), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), Member of the Russian Vice Rectors Union, Member of the international advisory board of EUSP's University Management program.
Olga Kazakova
Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of History, Altai State University (AltSU), Barnaul
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor. Director of the TOEFL Testing Center of AltSU. Olga Kazakova has published numerous works on the linguistic picture of the world, intercultural communication and education in the field of sustainable development. Due to her interest in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation in higher education, she graduated the Social Finance program (2018) of the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford with grant support from the Vladimir Potanin Foundation.
Ewa Konczal
CEE Manager at EVPA, Chairman of the Board, Belgium, Valores Venture Philanthropy fund, Poland
As of 2014 EwaKonczal works as CEE Manager at European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA). Among other activities at EVPA Ewa has been co-founder of the CEE Social Investment Taskforce and launched a CEE Fund Support Program to enable development of small venture philanthropy/social investment funds (up to 2 mln EUR) in CEE, addressing the missing-middle in the financing of the social investment space. To date Ewa supported development of six such funds in CEE. She is also Chair of the Board for the first Polish Venture Philanthropy Fund Valores, set up as a joint initiative of the PE/VC community in Poland. Prior to engagement with EVPA, for 14 years, Ewa worked as Poland and CEE Representative for international organization Ashoka Innovators for the Public. Her professional experience embraces also her work in India with Global March Against Child Labor, where she worked with Nobel Peace Award Laureate Kailash Sathyarti.
Andrey Konstantinov
independent expert, Moscow
20 years of experience in human capital management, corporate development, consulting and implementing social projects in Russian and international business environments. Graduated from the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Professor of the Social Innovations and Entrepreneurship MBA program at Higher School of Economics. Speaker at some of the largest business events in Russia: the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg and Sochi, Vedomosti conference, Synergy Global Forum, MAKS Aviation and Space Salon, Open Innovations Skolkovo.
Denis Kudryavtsev
Program Director at the Doctors for Children Interregional Public Organization to support families, mothers and children, St. Petersburg
Field of practical work: development, implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of social support programs for children and families experiencing hardships. Education: St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Strategic Management, Master (2012); North-Eastern Federal University, Department of Foreign Languages, Effective Business Communications, Specialist (1998). Social Finance program participant at Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford (2018).
Svetlana Kurnosova
Head of the general and professional teaching sciences department of Chelyabinsk State University (CSU), board member of the CSU Endowment Fund, candidate of teaching sciences, Chelyabinsk
Graduated from Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University with a degree in History of Russian and International Culture (1997). In 2019, completed a professional retraining program, Strategy for Creating and Developing Endowment Funds organized by Vladimir Potanin Foundation and the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Director of the Support and Development Fund for secondary school No. 14 in Satka, Chelyabinsk region. Svetlana has received several grants from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation and the President of Russia, for civic development.
Irina Kuznetsova
Lawyer of the Lawyers for Civil Society Association, Director of the Project "Legal capital of knowledge as the basis of effective endowment", Moscow
Irina has been working in the non-profit sector since 2009. Expert on matters related to the establishment and activities of NPOs, NPOs–owners of endowments, and issues related to using the results of intellectual activity. Obtained a Law degree from Higher School of Economics in 2006. In 2010, finished her post-graduate studies and defended a thesis at Higher School of Economics, specializing in "Judicial activity, prosecution, advocacy and law enforcement". Published a number of academic papers and worked with international organizations with regards to the subject of her dissertation.
Svetlana Lavrova
Director of University Management program at the European University at Saint Petersburg (EUSP), Chair of the Management Board of the National Association of Endowments (NAE), Executive Director of the EUSP Fund, Advisor to the Vice Rector of EUSP, Saint Petersburg
Svetlana has over 19 years of unique experience in university management and the non-profit sector. Svetlana joined the European University in 2001 after working in business; as a Financial Director, she organized administrative and financial procedures.

In May 2007, Svetlana registered St. Petersburg's first and Russia's second endowment fund (EUSP Fund). Svetlana is the Fund's Executive Director, in charge of strategic management of its activities on a daily basis.

Svetlana is an active member of working groups that aim to improve NPO-related legislation, as well as endowment and NPO activities, under the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. She is also one of the founders of the Endowment Club. In 2019, Svetlana co-founded the National Association of Endowments (NAE) which is intended to spark the development of the endowment sector in Russia.
Yulia Ledukhovskaya
Chief Specialist at the MIPT Endowment Fund, Moscow
Graduated from Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) in 2012. Winner of the competition organized by the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, and member of the Strategy for Creating and Developing Endowment Funds 2017–2019 program by the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. Between 2016 ad 2019, Yulia served as Executive Director of the MIPT Endowment Fund. Starting from 2020, Yulia has been a retraining professor at a Social Entrepreneurship MBA program, "Social Innovations and Entrepreneurship", at Higher School of Economics.
Anastasia Lozhkina
Development and Fundraising Director of the "Arithmetic of Good" Foundation, Candidate of History, Moscow
Anastasia has been involved in fundraising for social projects since 2010. Member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). Completed over 40 charity and societal marketing projects with the leading Russian and international companies such as PepsiCo, PwC, Pirelli, Electrolux, Credit Bank of Moscow, Sberbank. Completed internships in the USA, Singapore, Belgium and Great Britain, on fundraising and NPO management. Author of courses on the interaction between businesses and NPOs, for Higher School of Economics. Invited professor at Harvard University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian State University for the Humanities.
Yulia Nakonechnaya
Acting Director of the Novosibirsk State University Endowment Fund, Novosibirsk
Bachelor of Economics (Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk branch campus); MSc in Sociology (Novosibirsk State University). Fellow of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, member of the Foundation School of 2017 and 2018, participant of Endowments 2019 international forum and The White Nights of Fundraising 2019. 10 years of experience working with students (in 2012–2014, Yulia managed a group of students' pedagogical team with 20 regular members and a total of 5 year-round and 10–15 temporary projects). Yulia is currently a member of a joint educational program between the Vladimir Potanin Foundation and the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO: the "Strategy for Creating and Developing Endowment Funds".
Maria Oborina
Senior Expert at the GRANY Center for Civil Analysis and Independent Research, Perm
Specialist in the field of social rights, protection of human rights and public interests. Author and contributor of analytical studies, surveys and civilian research in the social sphere, head and coordinator of projects aimed at developing the potential of NPOs in social modernization. Graduate of the 2019 Social Finance program at the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford.
Victoria Olkhovskaya
Head of the MIPT Endowment Fund's CulturALL Reboot project, Moscow
Master's student at the MIPT Phystech School of Aerospace Technology, holder of V. P. Makeev scholarship. Since 2018, Victoria has been Head of the MIPT Endowment Fund's CulturALL Reboot project, aimed at humanitarian education and engaging Phystech students in cultural activities. She has launched around 50 courses during that time. Since 2017, Victoria has been managing the academic office of the faculty's student council.
Lyudmila Panteleeva
Project Manager of Endowments for Philanthropic Initiatives of Clients and Partners, Sberbank PJSC, Moscow
Lyudmila Panteleeva is one of the leading experts on creating and managing endowment funds, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve Endowment Fund and the Endowment Fund of North-Eastern Federal University. In 2009–2015, she participated as a consultant in establishing the endowments of more than 40 major universities, the State Hermitage Museum, the Peterhof State Museum-Reserve, the Central Clinical Hospital of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Doctors, Innovations, Science for Children Foundation and other institutions, as well as created the largest segment of endowment market (Gazprombank). She is an author of articles and publications on social investments and philanthropy, co-author of the book Endowments in Russia: Challenges of Our Time (2018), lecturer on Endowments at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO and a member of working groups aimed at improving the legislation in the field of NPO endowments.

She graduated with honors from the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and Moscow State University for the Humanities. Graduated from the international education program of the Cambridge University (UK) with a degree in Asset Management of Endowments, Trusts, Sovereign Funds.
Annabelle Richards
Business Development Manager, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Annabelle works with individuals and organizations from all of the world, to increase awareness and recruit outstanding participants for the social impact executive education programmes at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. Annabelle has a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Oxford Brookes University.
Irina Ryazanova
Founder and Executive Director of the BolshayaPeremena philanthropy foundation for promoting the education of orphans, Moscow
Irina has been working with children from orphanages since 1998. In 2002, she founded Bolshaya Peremena in cooperation with a group of professional teachers. The foundation's endowment was created in 2013. Irina is a member of the Public Council at the Moscow Department of Labor and Social Protection of Population and a certified coach of Erickson Coaching International. Graduate of the Stockholm School of Economics with an MBA degree. In 2018, Irina was commended by the Mayor of Moscow for her contribution to the implementation of socially significant projects and civil initiatives.
Tatyana Ryazanskaya
lawyer at the Tretyakov Gallery Foundation, Moscow
Tatyana has been working at the Tretyakov Gallery Foundation since 2019. She is in charge of legal support of the Foundation's activities, corporate work, including the development of the Tretyakov Gallery endowment, preparing regulatory documents, working with contractors when making contracts.
Alexandra Sazonova
Lawyer at the Lawyers for Civil Society Association, Moscow
Alexandra has been working in the non-profit sector since 2009. Lawyer at the Lawyers for Civil Society Association since 2015. Coordinator of the "Legal capital of knowledge as the basis of effective endowment" program. Alexandra's specialization includes matters related to non-profit organizations providing social services and services of public utility, as well as general matters. Alexandra has held seminars and workshops on various topics within non-commercial legislation. In 2015, Alexandra graduated from the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) with a major in Jurisprudence.
Inna Shayderova
Financial Director of PHILIN – an infrastructure platform for growing NPOs, Moscow
In 1994, graduated from Siberian State Transport Academy with a degree in Accounting and Audit, with honors. In 2016, obtained a diploma from the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).

Inna has extensive experience as a chief accountant and financial director supporting NPOs and business entities. Head of PHILIN's financial unit which services over 60 NPOs. Inna is an expert in budgeting, management accounting, managing financial resources, reporting, and automation of companies' accounting processes.
Lyubov Sherysheva
independent financial expert, impact investor, mentor, partner of Impact Hub Moscow, Moscow
Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1995. In 2012, she received an Executive MBA degree from IESE Business School, which has ranked the top Business School in Europe according to the Financial Times for several years in a row. She has more than 20 years of experience in strategic management of large Russian and international companies. From 2010 to 2015, she was a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of the insurance company IPJSC Ingosstrakh, Financial Director of Colliers International and Operations Director of the I.T. Group of Companies. Since 2015, she has been a Member of Boards of Directors at several holding companies.
Olga Shumburova
Executive Director of the Lawyers for Civil Society Association, Moscow
Over 10 years working as a lawyer in the non-profit sector. Executive Director of the Lawyers for Civil Society Association which currently unites 50 lawyers from different parts of Russia, since 2015. Extensive experience in providing legal consultations to non-profit organizations, and taking part in various events of different level, from regional and national to international; Olga takes part in lawmaking activities on different platforms as an expert, and is an author of a number of publications, including comparative legal works. Obtained a Law degree from Higher School of Economics in 2008.
Irina Sibiryakova
Head of the Department for Communications with Students and Graduates of the New Economic School (NES), Moscow
Irina was one of the leaders in preparing and conducting the 2010 NES campaign aimed at attracting the funds of graduates into the endowment of the New Economic School – one of the first fundraising initiatives in Russian higher education. Completed internships with British universities, on the topics of interaction with graduates and fundraising. Renowned expert with extensive experience in building, developing and solidifying partnership relations with students and graduates, and engaging them in the implementation of priority programs and projects of the university, including fundraising. Irina has an extensive professional network.
Lada Simacheva
Manager of Communications with Graduates at the New Economic School (NES), Moscow
Key activities: establishing and organizing the work with the community of NES graduates, community management, fundraising, CRM architecture. Lada started working in fundraising in 2013 at WWF-Russia. In 2015–2017, she managed a group tasked with attracting new WWF supporters; 5,000 supporters / 13,000,000 rubles per year. In 2017–2018, Lada was a fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House foundation. Lada raised over 60,000,000 million in 1.5 years, attracted 5 new corporate donors, started a partnership with Mastercard and Kazan Marathon, and organized the first telethon in support of the foundation.
Yevgeny Stodushny
General Director of Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic, Krasnoyarsk
General Director of Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic since 2018. Yevgeny previously worked as a Deputy Director for planning concert and financial activities at the state chamber orchestra, the Moscow Virtuosi (creative director and principal conductor – Vladimir Spivakov). Aside from his professional activities, Yevgeny also takes part in research projects related to management with regards to classical music. Member of the Board at the Association of Concert Organizations of Russia since 2019.
Alexander Svistunov
Director of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Endowment Fund, Moscow
Graduated from the International Business School And Global Economy faculty of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (2012) and majored in International Banking and Finance at the University of Roehampton (Munich, Germany, 2016). In 2016, he began his work at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art as a financial analyst, and has been the director of the museum's endowment fund since 2018.
Yevgenia Telitsyna
Executive Director of the Reach for Change Foundation Supporting Social Initiatives for Children, Moscow
Yevgenia has been working for the Foundation since 2012, with 4.5 of those years as an Executive Director. During this time, Yevgenia has organized 9 competitions for social entrepreneurs, including one in Rwanda (Africa), and trained over 300 social entrepreneurs.

Institute of Asian and African Countries at Lomonosov Moscow State University, History Department, African Studies, 2002−2007;
Graduate School of Management of Saint Petersburg State University, "Project Management in Social Entrepreneurship", 2012−2012;
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE), "Managing Social Projects", Master’s program, 2014−2016;
GATLA, Organizational Consulting program, 2017;
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Social Finance program, 2017;
Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, "Strategy for Creating and Developing Endowment Funds" program, 2019.
Roza Voronina
Head of NPO Relations at Gazprombank Asset Management JSC, Moscow
Roza Voronina began her career in the financial sector in 2006 at the Credit Bank of Moscow. She has substantial experience in the field of marketing communications and customer relations in commercial banks, including Expobank, SMP Bank and Barсlays. Joined the team of Gazprombank Asset Management in 2013. Since 2016, she has been heading the company's work with endowment funds. Roza Voronina graduated from Penza State University. She has qualification certificates of the Federal Service for Financial Markets series 1.0. and 5.0.
Wouter te Kloeze
Development Director at St Antony's College, University of Oxford, England
Since 2013 Development Director at St Antony's College, University of Oxford. In his role, Wouter is involved in all major fundraising done by the College and responsible for the management of the Development Office. He is a Dutch national and has a Master's degree in International Relations from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. St Antony's is a graduate college with an international community of students and distinguished academics specialized in the fields of global affairs and area studies.
Anne Young
Director of Strategy and Innovation at the National Lottery Heritage Fund, United Kingdom
In previous roles at the Fund she led on philanthropy policy and developed the Catalyst Endowment and Heritage Endowments programmes as match funding challenges for UK heritage organisations. Before joining the Heritage Fund she worked in publishing and corporate fundraising for the British Library.
Leonid Zamsky
Head of Corporate Client Department at JSC VTB Capital Asset Management, Moscow
Leonid Zamsky has been working in VTB Capital Investment since 2008. He supervises the work with corporate trust management clients. In 2006–2008, he worked in Kapital Management Company as a customer service specialist (working with HNWIs and retail clients of open-end mutual funds). He graduated the Department of Translation (French, English) of Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University, Department of Economics of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, VTB Group's corporate program for continuing education, as well as the advanced training program of the Graduate School of Management.
Vladimir Zelenov
Corporate Client Director at the Alfa Capital Management Company, Moscow
Head of the Client Department of the Alfa Capital Management Company Corporate Unit since 2016. Prior to this, working in the position of Vice President, he has been responsible for attracting and servicing institutional investors at Sberbank Asset Management JSC and Sberbank of Russia PJSC for six years. He has 12 years of experience in structuring and maintenance of capital of institutional and corporate investors with a total portfolio value of 37 billion rubles.
Andrey Borisov
General Director of the Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theater, Perm
Head of the theater since the 2019/2020 season. Before that, since 2017, Andrey Borisov has been managing the theater in the position of its Executive Director, under the artistic direction of Teodor Currentzis. In 1996, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of Perm State University and completed the graduate school in 2000. From 2002 to 2007, he served as a visiting expert in the Administration of the Governor of Perm Krai and the Perm Mayor's Office on interethnic and intercultural relations. In 2008, he headed the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines at the HSE-Perm and became the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. In 2016, he established the Department of Historical and Documentary Design. In 2014-2017, Andrey Borisov worked as the Director of the State Archive of Perm Krai, transforming it into an active cultural center. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, public and theater figure.
Tatyana Burmistrova
Co-founder and Chairman of the Governing Board of the Reach for Change Foundation Supporting Social Initiatives for Children, Moscow
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, expert in the field of social entrepreneurship, Theory of Change and social finance. Before starting a career in the non-profit sector in 2003, she had worked as a researcher, professor of psychology, and a gestalt therapist. She headed the School of NPOs Foundation for the Development of Non-profit Organizations, worked as the Director of the Reach for Change Philanthropy Foundation and the Director of the Doctors, Innovations, Science for Children Foundation. In 2005-2007, Tatyana Burmistrova actively participated in developing and amending the Federal Law "On the order of formation and use of endowments of non-profit organizations". Since 2011, she has been working as a consultant at the international foundation Reach for Change, becoming one of the authors behind the idea of the Endowment Club and its founder. Additionally, she has launched venture philanthropy projects in Kazakhstan, Croatia, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. Author of articles and training programs on group dynamics, school psychology, the Project Approach, fundraising, HR management and business models in social entrepreneurship.
Yekaterina Gantseva
Head of the Directorate of Alternative Investments at the Alfa Capital Management Company, Moscow
Graduated with honors from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in law. She began her career in the financial market as Head of the Legal Department of the NPO National League of Managers. In 2010, Yekaterina Gantseva joined Sberbank Asset Management, where, as the head of the infrastructure development group, she was responsible for the development of the company's retail funds, handled cooperation with the Central Bank of Russia, SROs and stock exchange, as well as developed regulatory and strategic documents. In 2016, she took the position of Vice President at NAUFOR, oversaw the activities of the association on the collective investment market and GR processes. She represented the association as a speaker at major public events and participated in the implementation of some of the most important projects in the industry of asset management, such as drafting major bills, introducing remote identification, etc. In October 2019, she joined the team of the Alfa Capital Management Company as the Head of the Directorate of Alternative Investments. Now, her key tasks include the development of the retail closed-end mutual funds segment and working with institutional investors (endowment funds, non-state pension funds, insurance companies).
Tatyana Mrdulyash
Deputy Director General on Development at the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and received a Master's degree in Law at the University of Oxford. After several years of work in legal consulting, Tatyana Mrdulyash has moved to the non-profit sector. She has been working in the museum sector since 2013, becoming an Adviser to the Director of the Tretyakov Gallery in 2015, and then its Deputy Director.
Oksana Oracheva
General Director of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, Moscow
She keeps strategic programs, partnerships and operations on track, fosters innovative thinking, oversees programs and projects development and is responsible for the Foundation's international activities and global partnerships.

Oksana was chair of the Governing Council of the Russian Donors Forum. Prior to joining the Foundation in 2010 Oksana served as Russia Program Director of the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program at Moscow office of the Institute of International Education. In 1999–2000 she was an editor of the bi-weekly Russian Regional Bulletin published by East-West Institute Moscow Center. Oksana is a political scientist and has over 20 years of work experience in non-profit sector.

Since 1989 she has been teaching different courses on Political History and Political Science. She has written extensively on federalism, center-periphery relations and good governance. Oksana holds a MSocSc in Political Science degree of the University of Birmingham (UK) and a PhD in Political History from Perm State University (Russia) and did research as a Visiting Professor at Yale University.

Oksana is a winner of Fulbright and Chevening Scholarship awards.
Artem Shadrin
Senior Director of Innovation Policy at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow
In 1997, Artem Shadrin graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in World Economics, and in 2000, he obtained a degree in World Economy and International Economic Relations from the graduate school of the Higher School of Economics. For about four years starting with 2000, he served as an adviser to the First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation on a freelance basis. In 2004—2019, he worked at the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Since November 2016, he held the position of the Head of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In November 2019, Artem Shadrin was appointed Senior Director of Innovation Policy at the Higher School of Economics. Currently, he is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the policy of HSE in innovative and social entrepreneurship, as well as in the field of infrastructure for the development of socially oriented NPOs.
Andrey Sharonov
President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Moscow
From 2013 he had been the Rector of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, until being appointed its President in September, 2016. Andrei Sharonov is a Candidate of Sociological Sciences, he has graduated from Ufa Aviation Institute and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. He served as a Deputy of the USSR in 1989–1991 and as the Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs until 1996. From 1996 to 2007, he worked in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation as the Head of Department, Deputy Minister and State Secretary. From 2007 to 2010, Andrey Sharonov held the positions of the Managing Director and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Troika Dialog Investment Company CJSC, as well as headed its investment banking division. From 2010 to 2013, he worked as Deputy Mayor in the Government of Moscow on economic policy.

Andrey has received numerous awards, he was awarded the Order of Honor, the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation and the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.
Aleksey Sitnikov
Vice President for Community Development and Communications at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow
Alexey is responsible for the development of the institute's brand and communication with target audiences, for the development and implementation of marketing and communication strategy, for organizing student self-government and interacting with graduates, as well as creating a wide network of Skoltech partners consisting of Russian and international companies, foundations and public organizations. Prior to joining Skoltech, Alexey worked as the Director for International Development of the Skolkovo Foundation. From 2005 to 2010, he held the position of Vice Rector for Management and Development of the New Economic School (NES) and managed the project to create one of the first and largest endowment funds in Russia. From 1999 to 2005, Alexey worked as the coordinator of Russian programs at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies of Stanford University. He graduated with honors from the Department of History of the Yaroslavl State University, obtained Master's degrees in Political Science at the Central European University in Budapest and at Stanford University, completed a doctorate in Political Science at Stanford University, specializing in Comparative Political Science, International Relations and Organization Management.
Anton Belov
Director of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow
Graduated from Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (National University of Science and Technology MISiS) with a degree in Physical Chemistry of Processes and Materials. Before he began working at the Garage Museum (2010), Anton founded Gallery White – a non-profit project aiming to help young artists create new projects. In 2009, he became the publisher of the Artguide bilingual magazine, which later became an online resource on contemporary art and today is the leading publication in its niche. In 2012–2013, he was a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Since 2018, Anton has been heading the basic department of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Victor Koksharov
Rector at Boris Yeltsin Urals Federal University, Yekaterinburg
Graduated from the Faculty of History of Gorky Ural State University in 1986. Upon graduation, Victor Koksharov worked in the university as the Department of History of the USSR assistant, secretary of the Komsomol committee and senior professor of the Department of Modern History and International Relations. In 1992, he obtained a Ph.D. in historical sciences. In 2007–2009, he held the position of the Chairman of the Sverdlovsk region government. By order of the Head of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin of April 9, 2010, Victor Koksharov was appointed the Rector of the Ural Federal University. He is a member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation, a member of the Russian International Affairs Council, co-chairman of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Sverdlovsk Region, chairman of the Audit Commission of the Association of Socio-Economic Universities of Russia, member of the Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities and co-chairman of the Consortium of Universities Supporting the Rosatom State Corporation.
Aleksey Lavrov
Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation since 2004. Acting State Advisor to the Russian Federation, Class 1. Graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Economic Geography, obtained his postgraduate degree in 1985. Completed internships at the University of Birmingham and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Candidate of Geographic Sciences. Worked as chief analyst, consultant, adviser to the Presidential Administration, Director of the Budget Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation since 2011. Aleksey Lavrov has received many state awards, including the Order of Honor.
Marina Mikhaylova
Director of Center for Social Technologies Garant, Arkhangelsk
Marina Mikhaylova works in the non-profit sector since 1997. Since 2000, she is the Head of the Arkhangelsk Center for Social Technologies Garant, a successful Russian resource center that provides expert support in the development of the non-profit sector in various regions of the Russian Federation. Co-author of a series of teaching aids titled Entertaining Project Management, which addresses the most important issues in preparing and implementing social projects. Commission member at various social project competitions, including competitions organized by corporate and private foundations, as well as regional and federal NPO support programs. She is involved in the development of local systemic philanthropy and has experience in organizing comprehensive charity events for raising private donations, extensive experience in conducting training programs for representatives of municipal and regional authorities, non-profit organizations and business structures.
Boris Tsirulnikov
Executive Director of the Togliatti Foundation, Togliatti
Executive Director of the Tolyatti Foundation since 1998. The Foundation has attracted donor contributions of more than 200 million rubles. Boris Tsirulnikov has adapted the mechanisms of philanthropy and charity development in urban communities and has implemented the mechanism of community foundations. He was elected Chairman of the Partnership of Local Community Foundations Association and is a Board member of the Togliatti Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Graduated from the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of Samara State University and the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute. Boris Tsirulnikov has been awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Diploma of the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Primakov.
Lydia Limberg
Member of the Board, Financial Director of the Victoria children's philanthropy foundation, Moscow
Graduated from the Novosibirsk State Institute of National Economy with a degree in Economics and Logistic Planning. Since 2014, Lydia Limberg is heading the TRINITY ARKTUR consulting company, and since 2017, she holds the position of Financial Director at the Victoria children's philanthropy foundation. Before working in the philanthropy foundation, she had been involved in the implementation of investment projects in logistics for eight years (in the position of Deputy General Director for Investment Projects and Infrastructure of JSC RailTransAvto, subsidiary of Russian Railways). In 2005, she received an unlimited audit license and became a member of the Self-regulatory Organization of Auditors the Sodruzhestvo Association.
Valentin Krasnov
Referent, Department of Statutory Budgetary Regulation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; 3rd Class State Councillor of the Russian Federation, Moscow.
Since 2007, Valentin has been holding various positions in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 2003-2007, he has held a number of positions in the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 17 of the City of Moscow. In 2005, Valentin graduated from the All-Russia State Tax Academy under the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit. In 2012, he completed a short course at the Joint Vienna Institute (Vienna, Austria) on Macroeconomic Management and Natural Resource Management. In 2014, he received a master's degree from Lomonosov Moscow State University, where he defended a thesis titled Sovereign Investment Fund Management Strategies.
Svetlana Landen
Managing Partner, CIS LONDON, United Kingdom
Svetlana holds an honours degree in Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and law degrees from British institutions of higher education. She specialises in corporate law and she is a legal advisor on Russian law in the High Court of London. Svetlana is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) UK and LCIA European Users' Council.
Kirill Olginsky
Director of Communications, Istoki Endowment Fund, Moscow
Kirill graduated from faculties of History and Law of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. He worked as a journalist and editor and directed educational and communications projects in a number of international and Russian companies. Kirill is the Editor-in-charge of the New Business web portal and author of over 100 articles about social entrepreneurs in Russia. In 2007-2009, he was the head of One2One Magazine, Russia's first magazine in the field of wealth management (according to the Russian Association of Communications Directors and Corporate Publishing, called "Best Corporate Media" in the "Client Magazine" category).
Andrey Philippovich
Dean, Faculty of Information Technology Department, Moscow Polytechnic University; Manager, CLAIM Science and Education Cluster, Moscow
Andrey is an Expert Board Member for Young Talent Development Division of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, as well as an expert for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, APKIT, SEC ICT, FUMO in IT, WorldSkills Russia. Andrey has authored ten books and more than 150 publications. He is a member of a leading academic school in Russia "Russian Linguistic Personality". Andrey Philippovich's research interests include computer linguistics and semiotics, artificial intelligence, intelligent data analysis, info-cognitive technologies, simulation and situation modelling, re-engineering of business processes, IT-education methodology, design of databases and ontologies, "musolinguistic" technologies, gesture and mimic interface, virtual worlds, augmented reality, etc.
Elena Shchetinina
Deputy Head, Department on Monitoring Funds Use and Reporting , Istoki Endowment Foundation
Elena received her Master's degree, with honors, from the National University of Science and Technology MISIS, specializing in Finance Management. She has been working in a variety of roles in the field of endowments since 2010. Elena participated in the creation of the MISIS Endowment Fund as its first director, also engaged in setting up its fundraising system and developing a merged alumni database. In 2014, she joined Istoki Endowment Fund (the largest Russian charity endowment fund), where she has been involved in monitoring the use of endowment funds and recipient organizations' reporting, as well as in research activities.
Victor Chetverikov
President, National Rating Agency (NRA), Moscow
Victor is a graduate of the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and Sergo Ordzhonikidze State University of Management. He is the founder of Russia's leading independent rating agency, NRA. Prior to that, Victor worked for a number of banks, specializing in risk management and analytics, and for the National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR). He is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts (GIFA) and of the Central Bank of Russia Expert Council on Rating Agencies.
Yulia Ulyanova
Director, Legacy Foundation, Moscow
Since 2017, Yulia has been managing the Specialized Endowment Fund "National Foundation for the Support of Socially Oriented Non-Profit Organizations" (Legacy Endowment Foundation), which was initiated by Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov. Yulia received both her Bachelor's degree in Economics and her Master's degree in Law from Ogarev Mordovia State University. She has experience as an economist, an investment analyst, and an expert for large banks and companies.
Maxim Usynin
First Pro-Rector, International Design and Service College, Chelyabinsk
Having graduated from Chelyabinsk Humanities Institute in 1999, Maxim founded his own startup DigiSky, specialized in custom development of software, 3D-models, and PC game characters for such companies as High Voltage and Sony. After earning a Master's degree in Innovation Management from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Maxim joined a family education business created by his mother. Founded in 1999 as a small business offering courses for designers, over the course of 27 years it has become a private institution for continuing education that includes a school, a college, and a university. Maxim has experience in creating joint international programs in design and urban studies together with Glyndwr University (UK), and in hospitality services together with Salzburg tourism schools and international hotel chains Hyatt, Radisson, and Marriott. In 2018, Maxim earned a PhD in Pedagogy, and has the following research interests: integration of Worldskills framework into higher education programs, Idea Management, and Design Thinking.
Elena Zelentsova
Vice President, Director of Urban Redevelopment, Skolkovo" Foundation; Chair of the Endowment Fund Board, Skolkovo International Gymnasium, Moscow
Elena holds a Candidate degree in Cultural Studies; she chairs the Glazychev Regional Development Department at RANEPA Design School and the Creative Industries Specialty at Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences ("Shaninka"). In 2012 -2013 she served as the Director of ZIL Cultural Center, which had then become one of the most popular and visited venues in Moscow. Elena was First Deputy Director of the Culture Department of the Moscow City Government in 2013-2015. She has authored books such as Creative Industries: Theories and Practices, Cultural Politics and the Economics of Culture, and other publications on cultural politics, culture management, and development of creative industries in Russia.