The Program Committee of the Forum
Anton Belov
Director, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow
Anton graduated from Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (National University of Science and Technology MISIS) with a degree in Physical Chemistry of Processes and Materials. Prior to joining the Garage Museum (2010), Anton founded Gallery White, a non-profit project aiming to help young artists create new projects. In 2009, he had become the publisher of the Artguide bilingual magazine, which later evolved as an online resource on contemporary art and is, as of today, the leading publication in its niche. In 2012–2013, Anton was a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Since 2018, Anton has been heading the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art's department at the Higher School of Economics National Research University.
Alexandra Boldyreva
Executive Director, Donors Forum, Moscow
Alexandra has been engaged in marketing communications and public relations for seven years, and in non-profit sector for ten years. She has held the position of Executive Director of the Donors Forum since 2016. Alexandra serves as an expert in a number of corporate grant competitions, as well as in those of the Presidential Grants Foundation. She is also the Coordinator of the Working Group on the Role of NGOs in the Development of CSR and Corporate Philanthropy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; a Member of the Association of Specialists in Program and Policy Evaluation; a Member of the Council for the Development of Social Innovations in the Regions of the Russian Federation under the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; a Member of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; and the Coordinator for the Women in the Development of Corporate Philanthropy project.
Andrey Borisov
General Director of the Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theater, Perm
Head of the theater since the 2019/2020 season. Before that, since 2017, Andrey Borisov has been managing the theater in the position of its Executive Director, under the artistic direction of Teodor Currentzis. In 1996, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of Perm State University and completed the graduate school in 2000. From 2002 to 2007, he served as a visiting expert in the Administration of the Governor of Perm Krai and the Perm Mayor's Office on interethnic and intercultural relations. In 2008, he headed the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines at the HSE-Perm and became the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. In 2016, he established the Department of Historical and Documentary Design. In 2014-2017, Andrey Borisov worked as the Director of the State Archive of Perm Krai, transforming it into an active cultural center. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, public and theater figure.
Yekaterina Gantseva
Head of the Directorate of Alternative Investments at the Alfa Capital Management Company, Moscow
Graduated with honors from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in law. She began her career in the financial market as Head of the Legal Department of the NPO National League of Managers. In 2010, Yekaterina Gantseva joined Sberbank Asset Management, where, as the head of the infrastructure development group, she was responsible for the development of the company's retail funds, handled cooperation with the Central Bank of Russia, SROs and stock exchange, as well as developed regulatory and strategic documents. In 2016, she took the position of Vice President at NAUFOR, oversaw the activities of the association on the collective investment market and GR processes. She represented the association as a speaker at major public events and participated in the implementation of some of the most important projects in the industry of asset management, such as drafting major bills, introducing remote identification, etc. In October 2019, she joined the team of the Alfa Capital Management Company as the Head of the Directorate of Alternative Investments. Now, her key tasks include the development of the retail closed-end mutual funds segment and working with institutional investors (endowment funds, non-state pension funds, insurance companies).
Elena Ivanitskaya
Deputy Director, Strategic Development and Innovation Department, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Since 2015 has been working at the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. The work is related to support and development of non-profit sector. Particularly, this includes development of federal regulations supporting non-profit organizations, voluntary service and charity. Previously has worked at the Agency for implementation of social development initiatives of Krasnoyarsk region, in Krasnoyarsk region Government, at the Agency for implementation of social development initiatives and youth projects in Krasnoyarsk region, Youth Affairs Committee of Krasnoyarsk City Administration. Elena is an expert of the Presidential Grants Fund, as well as the grants competition held by the Moscow Public Relations Committee.
Victor Koksharov
Rector, Boris Yeltsin Urals Federal University, Yekaterinburg
Victor graduated from the Faculty of History of Gorky Urals State University in 1986. Upon graduation, he worked at the university as a Department of History of the USSR assistant, secretary of the Komsomol committee, and a Senior Professor of the Department of Modern History and International Relations. In 1992, he received a Candidate degree in History. In 2007–2009, Victor held the position of the Chair of the Sverdlovsk Region Government. By order of the Head of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin of April 9, 2010, Victor was appointed the Rector of the Urals Federal University. He is a Member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation; Member of the Russian International Affairs Council; Co-Chair of the Association of Leading Universities of Russia; Chair of the Council of Rectors of the Sverdlovsk Region; Chair of the Audit Commission of the Association of Socio-Economic Universities of Russia; Member of the Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities; and Co-Chair of the Consortium of Universities Supporting the Rosatom State Corporation.
Aleksey Lavrov
Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Aleksey has been a Member of the Board of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation since 2004. He holds the title of the Active State Councillor to the Russian Federation, Class 1. He graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Economic Geography and received his Candidate degree in Geographic Sciences in 1985. Aleksey interned with the University of Birmingham and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. He was employed as Chief Analyst, Consultant, and Advisor to the Presidential Administration, and the Director of the Budget Policy Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Aleksey was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation in 2011. He received many state awards, including the Order of Honor.
Veronika Misyutina
Advisor, SKOLKOVO Wealth Transformation Center, Moscow
Working as a partner of an international consulting company, Veronika has supported international business nd personal projects of Russian entrepreneurial families for more than 20 years. From 2014 to 2019, she headed the SKOLKOVO Wealth Transformation Center, an educational and research platform. Veronika supervises educational programs in the field of social investment and philanthropy. She participates in working groups on developing and improving the legislation in the field of philanthropy. Veronika is a member of boards of trustees and experts at several non-profit organizations.
Marina Mikhaylova
Director, Center for Social Technologies Garant, Arkhangelsk
Marina has been working in non-profit sector since 1997. Since 2000, she has been the Director of the Arkhangelsk Center for Social Technologies Garant, a successful Russian resource center that provides expert support in the development of the non-profit sector in various regions of the Russian Federation. Marina has co-authored a series of teaching aids entitled Entertaining Project Management, which addresses the most important issues in preparing and implementing social projects. She is a committee member for various social project competitions, including those organized by corporate and private foundations, as well as regional and federal NGO support programs. Marina is involved in the development of local systemic philanthropy and experienced in organizing sophisticated charity campaigns for raising private donations, as well as in conducting training programs for municipal and regional officials, non-profit organizations, and businesses.
Oksana Oracheva
General Director, Vladimir Potanin Foundation, Moscow
Oksana keeps the Vladimir Potanin Foundation's strategic programs, partnerships, and operations on track, fosters innovative thinking, oversees programs and projects development and is responsible for the Foundation's international activities and global partnerships.
Oksana was Chair of the Governing Council of the Russian Donors Forum. Prior to joining the Foundation in 2010, Oksana served as Russia Program Director of the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program at the Moscow office of the Institute of International Education. In 1999–2000 she was an editor of the bi-weekly Russian Regional Bulletin published by East-West Institute Moscow Center. Oksana is a political scientist and has over 20 years of work experience in non-profit sector.
Since 1989, Oksana has been teaching various courses on Political History and Political Science. She has written extensively on federalism, center-periphery relations, and good governance. Oksana holds a MSocSc in Political Science degree of the University of Birmingham (UK) and a PhD in Political History from Perm State University (Russia) and did research as a Visiting Professor at Yale University.
Oksana is a winner of Fulbright and Chevening Scholarship awards.
Aleksey Sitnikov
Vice President for Community Development and Communications at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow
Alexey is responsible for the development of the institute's brand and communication with target audiences, for the development and implementation of marketing and communication strategy, for organizing student self-government and interacting with graduates, as well as creating a wide network of Skoltech partners consisting of Russian and international companies, foundations and public organizations. Prior to joining Skoltech, Alexey worked as the Director for International Development of the Skolkovo Foundation. From 2005 to 2010, he held the position of Vice Rector for Management and Development of the New Economic School (NES) and managed the project to create one of the first and largest endowment funds in Russia. From 1999 to 2005, Alexey worked as the coordinator of Russian programs at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies of Stanford University. He graduated with honors from the Department of History of the Yaroslavl State University, obtained Master's degrees in Political Science at the Central European University in Budapest and at Stanford University, completed a doctorate in Political Science at Stanford University, specializing in Comparative Political Science, International Relations and Organization Management.
Boris Tsirulnikov
Executive Director, Togliatti Foundation, Togliatti
Boris has been the Executive Director of the Tolyatti Foundation since 1998. The Foundation has raised more than 200 million rubles in donor contributions. Boris has successfully adapted philanthropy and charity development mechanisms in urban communities and implemented the community foundations technology. He was elected Chair of the Partnership of Local Community Foundations Association and is a Board member of the Togliatti Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Boris graduated from the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of Samara State University and the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of Kuibyshev State Pedagogical Institute. He has been awarded the commendation of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Diploma of the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Primakov.
Prof. Alevtina Chernikova
Rector, National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", Moscow
Alevtina helds a Doctor degree in Economics. She has been the Rector of NUST MISIS since 2013. Under her leadership, the University was included in the QS World University Rankings in 2014 and in the World University Rankings in 2015. In 2014, Alevtina received the title of "Honorary Higher Professional Educator of Russian Federation". In 2015, she received a Russian Government award in education. In 2016, she topped the"University Management" nomination in the "Rector of the Year" contest, according to "University Rector" magazine. In 2019, the NITU MISIS team under Alevtina's management received a letter of acknowledgement from the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for its achievements in academic and educational work, as well as for training highly qualified professionals.
Artem Shadrin
Senior Director of Innovation Policy at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow
In 1997, Artem Shadrin graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in World Economics, and in 2000, he obtained a degree in World Economy and International Economic Relations from the graduate school of the Higher School of Economics. For about four years starting with 2000, he served as an adviser to the First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation on a freelance basis. In 2004—2019, he worked at the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Since November 2016, he held the position of the Head of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In November 2019, Artem Shadrin was appointed Senior Director of Innovation Policy at the Higher School of Economics. Currently, he is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the policy of HSE in innovative and social entrepreneurship, as well as in the field of infrastructure for the development of socially oriented NPOs.